150.00 - 200.00 / Meter

1 Metric Ton (MOQ)

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Country of Origin India
Material GI
Shape Round
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Location India ( Maharashtra only) & All other countries

Product Details

High Strength, Excellent Quality, Durable

In order to tap the underground water resources, the most critical requirement while digging the bore-well/tube-well is of the rising main pipes. These pipes must have the ability to withstand high tensile loads. The most suitable & time tested material that metts this demand is uPVC, due to its inherent properties over galvanized pipes.


ZENITH uPVC Submersible Rising Main Pipes are the mainstay of any tube-well / bore-well. The unique square threads & clamping zone ensures real tight joints of male & female threads. The pipes are provided with rubber gasket & C.I. adaptor. The rising main pipes can be installed in all types of soil conditions whether acidic or alkaline. These pipes are available in standard 3 mtr. length in white color.


Benefits Over G.I. Pipes :

  • Light Weight
  • Easy Installation
  • Non Corrosive in Nature
  • Maintenance Free
  • Economical
  • Lasts Longer
  • Smooth Inner Surface
  • Ensure Better Flow
  • Hygienic & Safe
  • High Flow Rate
  • High Tensile Load Capacity

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Dimensions of Column Pipes

Nominal Diameter O.D. Over O.D. connection max. Wall Thickness (MM)
MM Inch Eco 12.5 Eco 15 Light Medium Medium Standard Heavy Belling 12.5 Belling 15
25 1.0" 33.1 49 3.2 3.2 - 3.9 5.3 5.7 3.7 4.1
32 1.25" 42.1 59 3.4 3.8 - 4.4 5.5 6.1 3.8 4.3
40 1.50" 48.1 66 - 4.2 - 5.1 5.5 6.3 - 4.6
50 2.00" 60.1 80 4.5 - - 5.3 6.4 7.6 - -
65 2.50" 75.1 93 - - 4.5 5.3 6.9 7.5 - -
80 3.00" 88.1 111 - - 5.5 6 7.3 8.3 - -
100 4.00" 113.1 136.2 - - 5.5 6.5 8.3 10.6 - -

Pressure Rating for Column (Kg/cm²)

MM Size Eco 12.5 Eco 15 Light Medium Medium Standard Heavy Belling 12.5 Belling 15
25 1.0" 12.5 15 - 15 28 33 12.5 15
32 1.25" 12.5 15 15 - 26 33 12.5 15
40 1.50" - 15 - 15 27 34 - 15
65 2.50" - - 12 12 17 28 - -
80 3.00" - - 10 10 17 28 - -
100 4.00" - - 11 11 16 27 - -

Packing Details (Nos. of Pipes/Bundle)

Size 3 Meter Pipe
1" 25
1.25" 25
1.5" 25
2" 15
2.5" 10
3" 5
4" 5

Color Coding Of Pipes

Class of Pipe Printing Color
Eco 12.5/Belling 12.5 Orange
Eco 15/Belling 15 Orange
Light Medium Green
Medium Green
Standard Blue
Heavy Red

Load & Pressure Technical Data

Outside Dia. Nominal Bore Ultimate Breaking Load Safe Pulling Load With Chain Pulley Safe Allowable Hydrostatic Pressure (kg/cm³) Safe Total Pump Delivery Head (mtr) Safe Installation Depth (Mtr) Safe Installation Depth (Ft)
OD: 33mm (1") NB: 25mm
Eco 12.50/Belling 12.5 850 500 12.5 125 62.5 200
Eco 15 Kg1000 600 15 150 78.2 250  
MEDIUM 1500 800 15 200 106.7 350
STANDARD 2000 1300 28 300 152.4 500
HEAVY 2600 1400 33 350 243.9 800
OD: 42mm (1.25") NB: 32mm
Eco 12.50/Belling 12.5 1600 800 12.5 125 62.5 200
Eco 15 Kg 1700 900 15 150 78.2 250
MEDIUM 1950 1200 15 170 106.7 350
STANDARD 2600 1500 26 250 152.4 500
HEAVY 3100 1550 33 350 243.9 800
OD: 48mm (1.5") NB: 40mm
Eco 12.50 Kg 1800 900 12.5 125 62.5 200
Eco 15/Belling 15 2000 1000 15 150 78.2 250
MEDIUM 2300 1200 15 170 106.7 350
STANDARD 3000 1500 27 250 152.4 500
HEAVY 4000 2000 34 350 243.9 800
OD: 60mm (2") NB: 50mm
Eco 10 Kg 2500 1500 10 75 45.7 150
Eco 12.5 Kg 2700 1800 12.5 90 61 200
MEDIUM 3000 2000 17 150 106.7 350
STANDARD 3800 2100 21 200 152.4 500
HEAVY 4700 2850 28 270 243.9 800
OD: 75mm (2.5") NB: 65mm
LIGHT MEDIUM 3500 1900 12 90 91.5 300
MEDIUM 4000 2300 12 100 106.7 350
STANDARD 5000 3500 17 160 152.4 500
HEAVY 7000 4000 28 260 243.9 800
OD: 88mm (3") NB: 80mm
LIGHT MEDIUM 4500 2700 10 90 91.5 300
MEDIUM 5000 3000 10 110 106.7 350
HEAVY 9500 5700 28 250 243.9 800
OD: 113mm (4") NB: 100mm
LIGHT MEDIUM 7500 4000 11 90 91.5 300
MEDIUM 9000 4500 11 100 106.7 350
STANDARD 11000 7000 16 150 152.4 500
HEAVY 16000 10000 27 250 243.9 800

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